Closed from 25th Dec – 3rd Jan
Book online for lunch or dinner from 4th January 2025
Need to refuel in the afternoon? Please call to book and we can be open 3.00-5.00 for drinks, coffee, tea, or pizza.
We look forward to having you at Farmgate Restaurant.
Bookings are best made online via the Make a Booking button below.
Booking Policy and Details
Please read our bookings policy linked below for full details. Bookings made will be on the acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Online bookings close for lunch at 9am and dinner at 2pm. For last minute bookings, please call 0455331468.
We take a credit card for confirmation. It is not a deposit and no charge is made to the card unless any or all of the booked party does not turn up, in which case, there is a $20 no-show fee per person. All we ask is that changes or cancellations are made in advance (10am for lunch bookings) (3pm for dinner bookings).
If there is no notice provided, there may be a charge of $20 per person for the no-shows.
For bookings of 15 people or more a reduced menu may be provided from which to order. For bookings of over 12 people, cancellation for more than 6 people will require at least 8 hours prior to the booking. Groups of 18 or more require a set menu. Please contact us via email to make arrangements for menu options.
Please call 0455331468 if there are any changes to the number of people coming for your reservation as partial or complete no-show will incur a $20 charge per person.
Please note, a pre-authorisation is required to make a booking. No money is charged to the card (it is not a deposit) unless the reservation does not show up in part or in full without prior notice. Cancellations before 8 hours prior to the booking time can be made online or over the phone. If a cancellation of part or all of the booking is required after that time, please call or text the restaurant on 0455331468
Bookings are recommended so we can provide the best service and experience for you and your guests.
We only take a limited number of people at each booking time and may not accept walk-ins if seating times are busy.
We apologise for the inconvenience and recommend bookings be made to avoid disappointment.
View the Farmgate Restaurant Reservations Policy here
CAKEAGE: Please call in advance to notify of BYO cake. BYO Cakeage fee applies. Call Nicole for details 0455331468
FULLY LICENCED: No BYO drinks permitted.
Read the Farmgate Restaurant Reservations Policy above for more details.